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Connecting clients with informed analysis, strategies, planning skills,  management tools and excellence in programming from a place of

joy-based leadership, Lindy works with you to find the clarity needed to create impactful results from the essences and outcomes you are working hard to create.



Lindy’s skill set can provide facilitation, consulting and mentoring for a broad scope of professionals or organizations who are open to inspirational solutions, change and growth - from Arts Organizations and Non-Profit Boards, to Environmental

Groups & Small Businesses.

Strategic & Artistic Masterplanning


Meeting Facilitation



Grant / Proposal Review and Writing



Re-ignite passion and purpose in your work, your organization

or personal life

Artists Mentoring & Touring Advice


Community Engagement Review, Brainstorming and Recommendations

Budget Analysis




Organizational Review - Needs Analysis and Assessment

Project Development, Planning and Evaluation


HR Job Descriptions & Capacity Review, Performance Evaluation and Training 

B U D G E T   T I P

For Arts Organization:


For organizations to maximize their impact I have two budget tips that will change the culture of your organization inside and out.


Most Executives or Managers in non-profit organizations don’t have assistants or secretaries, so you have to do it all.


Or do you?


These two recommendations will provide you with outside professional advice when needed, and increase your community impact and the relevancy of your organization.


Include a budget for a Community Cultural Engagement Coordinator including programming funds to work with




Include funds for personal professional development as well as organizational Pro D and utilize important resources for yourself to increase your capacity and effectiveness.

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