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“... From the start (as our interim general manager), I was struck by Lindy’s vivacity and sheer joy and enthusiasm for the performing arts. She brought skills and a people oriented outlook that was, simply, a breath of fresh air. I can recommend her wholeheartedly!” Jim Ballard, Board Member.



What clients, artists & colleagues are saying...

W H A T   C L I E N T S  S A Y

"MiBC worked with Lindy to trouble-shoot questions regarding governance, reporting, and organizational issues. Lindy listened and offered experienced support, going beyond only answering questions to offering broader insights that helped the organization re-land in Covid uncertainties."


Jane Gabriels, Ph.D.

ED, Made in BC - Dance on Tour 

W H A T   A R T I S T S  S A Y

“ outstanding leader and advocate for the arts in Canada. Through her extensive experience as both an
executive and artistic director, Lindy has provided invaluable support for Ballet Kelowna. Her knowledge of the sector, excellent communication skills, and amiable manner make Lindy a trusted and reliable source for advice on programming, operations, fund development and more.”

Simone Orlando, CEO Ballet Kelowna



“Lindy Sisson is passionate, intelligent, and fun. She knows her way around everything artistic, financial
statements, administrative and HR procedures, and board governance, but doesn’t let any of those things
get in the way of real arts and community-based mission focus. In short, Lindy is a very brightly coloured
good egg.”

Joel Klein, Principal, Joel Klein Arts Consulting, Former Executive Director Made in BC Dance on Tour







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